Koristne povezave

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Comment posted by ziga, 01/06/2014 at 5:58am (UTC):
kako staviti danes

Comment posted by David, 03/26/2012 at 3:16am (UTC):
Apr29Lee The question that comes to mind lmaedimteiy on this is what's the point?' Yes, we can reduce everything in life to a math model to prove that the actual human element is negligible over large data sets. It's certainly a provable hypothesis and one that can make us feel better about ourselves intellectually, but is it actually a worthwhile criticism of sportswriters? These folks are paid to write compelling copy and get the masses stirred up over the human elements of these stories. They're not paid to be Mathematicians or expected to have every cliche they spew be subjected to the full rigor of quantitative analyses. Canucks v Hawks Game Seven was great theater because of the human factor. If that means buying into the illusion' of momentum, well that seems a small sacrifice to make for the entertainment value it provides. Statistics and math can certainly illuminate and enrich the spectator sports experience. It can also make it a fairly joyless one as well. Although, I will enjoy using some of the data you've provided here to enrich my betting experience over the remainder of the playoffs, so thanks for that!

Comment posted by lloyd, 05/15/2011 at 7:38pm (UTC):

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